New report to stimulate discussion on the need for a joined up approach to address the climate and biodiversity crises

October 31, 2023

A new report exploring ways to enable more effective management of Scotland’s environment from the source to the sea has just been published. The report, a product of an internship project between NatureScot, SEPA and the University of Stirling, is available on the NatureScot website.

Current management of the environment is often fragmented. Work on land, freshwater, estuaries, coasts and seas is separated when, in reality, these systems are highly interconnected. The project aimed to communicate how policies could better enable integration and coherent management decisions that reflect this connectivity.

The project found that source-to-sea action can deliver multiple long-term benefits that include social and economic as well as environmental outcomes. However, despite some limited success with integrated approaches, these remain the exception.

Find out more: Source to sea research report 

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